What do you understand about verb? The usual verb that we know is when people doing something or an action. You must understand that not ALL Verbs are the same. Verb actually is divided into three categories, they are Normal Verbs, Non-Continuous Verbs and Mixed Verbs.
1. Normal Verbs.
These verbs are usually physical actions which you can see somebody doing or you are doing something. These verbs can be used in all tenses. For example to run, to walk, to drink, to say and etc. Examples in sentence (which can help you to understand clearer) :
i. I cook 3 meals every day.
ii. She is watching the television right now.
2. Non-Continuous Verbs.
This second verb called
Non-Continuous Verbs is smaller group than Normal Verbs. These (NC) verbs are usually things that you cannot see somebody doing. These verbs are rarely used in
Continuous Tense(because they do not adding the -ing after Verbs) and they include
Abstract Verbs (to be, to want, to cost, to seem, to need, to care),
Possession Verbs (to posses, to own, to belong),
Emotion Verbs (to love, to hate, to dislike,to fear).
i. He is needing help now.(Not correct)
ii. He needs help now.(Correct)
Non-Continuous Verbs is not using the rules like other Continuous Tenses in English usage. So, as you can see up there that is why example (i) is considered as wrong.
3. Mixed Verbs.
Mixed Verbs is the smallest group of all verbs. These verbs have more than one meaning. In fact, each verb is a unique verb.Which means, some verbs act like Non-Continuous Verbs while other meaning act like Normal Verbs.
To have- 1. I have a dollar now.(Non-Continuous Verb)
2. I am having fun right now.(Normal Verb)
To hear- 1. She hears the music.(Non-Continuous Verb)
2. She is hearing voices.(Normal Verb)